Saturday, April 10, 2010

No, I don't post regularly....

Just when I have something to say...


I feel OLD..... OLD I TELL YA! I know I'm only 38, but I think I may have an old soul. Being born on the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn is very confusing. I work like a dedicated Capricorn, but have these strange urges to just take my clothes off and go running naked down the street screaming my head off.
I don't know why I have these urges: maybe I'm suppressed. Could be..
I know I need beer now.

I've been using this body contouring cream to try and make my boobs tighter. It actually kind of works. My D cups are huge, and sometimes they get on my nerves. I want them to be perky again...

That's all for now.