Thursday, October 07, 2010

I heard the dumbest shit today on the news...

Okay, so I am driving home and listening to the radio, trying to relax. I was scanning the channels and I heard the dumbest shit that I have heard in a while.
Apparently there is this girl in North Carolina who was suspended from school for wearing a nose ring. The American Civil Liberties Union is helping the girl sue the school where she was suspended because she claims they are violating her religious freedom. Guess what fucking religion she claims to be: The Church of Body Modification. WHAT THE FUCK! Bunch of dumb asses.
GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK! Of all the dumb shit happening in the world, what the hell is this? I can't believe how fucked up this country is getting.
Listen, I have tattoos and piercings. However, I respect the fact that people are disgusting who have lip piercings, eye brow piercings, and a whole bunch of other shit on their faces and bodies. I don't wear my piercings EVER because they quite frankly gross me out now. But, the ACLU really needs to get something else to do because they are some of the stupidest mother fuckers I have ever heard of. If you don't like my opinion, I don't give a shit.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

No, I don't post regularly....

Just when I have something to say...


I feel OLD..... OLD I TELL YA! I know I'm only 38, but I think I may have an old soul. Being born on the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn is very confusing. I work like a dedicated Capricorn, but have these strange urges to just take my clothes off and go running naked down the street screaming my head off.
I don't know why I have these urges: maybe I'm suppressed. Could be..
I know I need beer now.

I've been using this body contouring cream to try and make my boobs tighter. It actually kind of works. My D cups are huge, and sometimes they get on my nerves. I want them to be perky again...

That's all for now.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Another New Year! 2010! BOOYAA!

Well, it's inevitable, this flow of time. One second leads to one minute leads to hours, days, and months.
The cycle continues. How will America fair this coming year?
Let's see:
1. Middle-class, hard-working people will most likely be paying for the health care of lazy, idiotic, uneducated degenerates who refuse to get up off their asses and work.
2. Those who ARE educated and hard-working will most likely continue to have their jobs shipped overseas.
3. People whose heads are buried in the sand will most likely to continue their spiraling pattern of denial about global warming and continue using those icky, yucky, plastic shopping bags.
4. My book will most likely NEVER be written out of sheer jadedness with society as a whole.
5. I won't be able to express my honest, true opinions what I think is happening to the world due to fear of losing my job because it is now very difficult to express your true opinions without the retaliation of the public (and I need to work to continue with my health insurance).
6. Etc., etc., and so on and so forth..

So, what can a person do???

Sit back, relax, work a little, save a little money, have some beer, and continue to watch the world degrade into a never ending abyss of evil and despair.....